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Om kunst


Slik blir kunst kunst: ved å rammes inn

ved å omringes av tomrom

ved plasseres på en blank flate, en vid vegg.


Kunst er kunst når det er konsensus om at verket for hånden fortjener og krever

vår oppmerksomhet, når det er riktig å omfavne verket med moralske øyne.

Kunst er kunst i det øyeblikket spørsmålet konstitueres. 


Slik blir kunst knust: ved å bli oversett.

À la Barthes: Yesterday, as I was making my usual cup of coffee, I did not pay special attention to any

of the components: it was a day like any other, filled with common objects and standardized emotions.

Art was not present (to my attention, in my desires).

My daily routine triumphed the quiet attacks dispatched by my fractured mind.

But could the gate be breached so that I could reach inside the confrontational vortex of which contemporary art dwells?

My black coffee kept me upright, ignorantly humming. 





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